What is in the aquatread?Our aquatread contains cold water (4 degrees C/ 40 degrees F) and 400 pounds of Epsom Salts.
How long is a treadmill session?One session lasts 10-20 minutes. We start first-time horses at a baseline of 10-12 minutes for the first two sessions and increase speed and resistance in progressive sessions over time to build strenth and endurance.
What is the cost?5 Session Package - $350 ($70/session) 10 Session Package - $600 ($60/session) As a bonus, you will receive a small tub of our proprietary Recovery Poultice with each session purchase.
What if my horse has a targeted protocol from my vet?For rehabilitation of specific injuries or problem areas, we will reach out to your horse's veterinarian to construct a water protocol that will address the issue at hand. We will continue to communicate with the veterinarian throughout treatment to provide updates and alter the protocol as needed.
Can my horse stay with you during treatment and what is the cost for that?Yes, we offer full board for horses during treatment, if desired, at a rate of $60/day. Included in this cost: -One aquatred session per day (a second session can be added for $20/day) -Stall Board and Hay Grain can be sent with the horse to ensure no disruption in the horse's nutrition program. If the horse's grain is available locally, we can pick it up at cost and feed it to your specifications. As a bonus, you will receive a small tub of our proprietary Recovery Poultice to take home after your horse has completed the program.

“We use the aqua tread for all types of horses at any level, from 4* horses, to old schoolmasters getting fit for 2*, to training level horses who need extra strength. Treading makes it so that we can get them as fit as can be with the lowest impact. Fleet Crest Farm does an incredible job making each horse feel extremely confident while treading, and they are so passionate about every single horse that comes through. Without the aqua tread at Fleet Crest, our season would look much different. The benefit of the aqua tread gives us and our horses the fitness edge we need to be competitive.”
Zach Brant, Zach Brandt Eventing

"I have been sending my horses to Lance at Fleet Crest Farm's aqua tread to help with fitness and rehab over the past year. I have been impressed with the friendly professionalism that seems to come easily with all endeavors that Lance is associated with. I will continue to utilize the aqua tread in our horses' routines, as I have seen its importance as part of a well-rounded program."
Sinead Halpin, ACE (Access Copperline Equestrian)

"I am forever grateful to Lance and his aqua tread for giving my horse his life - and his show career - back. Originally, we started Andy on a water treadmill program just to get him strong enough to be safely retired. With Lance's expertise and knowledge about how to optimize the workouts for Andy's condition, we saw improvement almost immediately. Andy gained amazing strength, conditioning and balance through his Fleet Crest workouts. I truly believe Lance's rehab program made all the difference in his recovery."